
Richard Camilleri has Asperger’s Syndrome and says he uses his “over-active mind” to immerse himself in taking photos other people might not think of. He grew up in a military environment and settled in Cardiff when he was 13, where he had lived ever since due to “how friendly everyone is”. Richard’s creativity led him to Photoshop his image, choosing a background which represents solar and pedal power.

Richard says
“I chose to photograph Dan as he’s not only an Engineer but recycles and refurbishes bikes. He prevents them from going to landfill and contributing to pollution. He is a representation of STEM as he encourages people to take up healthier lives by demonstrating how to reuse and recycle bikes from his workshop in Cardiff.”

Techniquest plays an important role in inspiring future generations to take up careers in STEM that may not even exist yet and non-typical STEM careers, which will be vital for the sustainability of the planet, just like Dan’s role in cycle repair.